Metalink Note:200346.1
With Oracle Database 10g Release 2, you can now set a server side TAF policy on your service. This will override any client settings. Only BASIC method is supported with server side TAF.
srvctl add service -d zc -s zc1.conn -r zc1 -a zc2 -P BASIC
-d Unique name for the database
-s Service name
-r List of preferred instances
-a List of available instances
-P TAF policy
在设置完Server端TAF以后,可以通过srvctl config命令查看设置的结果。
$ srvctl config service -d zc -a
zc1.conn PREF: zc1 AVAIL: zc2 TAF: BASIC
上文听你讲了Oracle RAC 那么脆弱,
我已经放弃了数据库升级计划,明年一口气从10.1 升到 11*.