Unlocking the Power: Key Features of MogDB

MogDB is an advanced distributed relational database management system that offers high performance, high availability, ease of maintenance, compatibility, and AI capabilities.

MogDB ASH机制浅析

ASH实际上是Oracle数据库中的一个名词,全称是Active Session History,这项功能会在数据库内存和持久化的系统表里都记录下每隔一定周期的活跃会话的信息,内存中的数据重启数据库以后会清空,但是持久化的系统表数据会长期保留。因为ASH的存在,所以当数据库发生故障或者经历性能问题,需要回溯定位问题原因的时候,非常有帮助。


Using MTK to migrate Oracle sample schema to MogDB

Get the latest version MTK wget https://cdn-mogdb.enmotech.com/mtk/v2.6.3/mtk_2.6.3_linux_amd64.tar.gztar -xvf mtk_2.6.3_linux_amd64.tar.gz Generate MTK trial license online The trial license lasts for 1 month, every mail address can only gernerate one license, except the mail address domain is “enmotech.com”, using “enmotech.com” mail can repeatly genarate license. So if the clients want to try MTK more after 1 month,…