为什么我喜欢Dreamhost,也许它不是最稳定的虚拟主机,也许也不是最便宜的虚拟主机服务, 但是如果能够认真看他们隔三差五发出来的工作报告邮件,所有的语气都表明那是一群极度热爱自己的工作的人,有这样的一群人在给你提供服务,怎么样都是值得信赖的吧. 为什么今天又发感慨,因为又收到他们的邮件. Hi Lori! Ack. Through a COMPLETE bumbling on our part, we’ve accidentally attempted to charge you for the ENTIRE year of 2008 (and probably 2009!) ALREADY (it was all due to a fat finger)! We’re really really realllly embarassed about this, but you have nothing to worry about. Please ignore any confusing…
Tag: Dreamhost
No money, No service
Dreamhost自动扣信用卡失败,所以导致账号处于suspend状态 今天下午手工交费成功,目前已经可以正常访问了。 从昨天开始除了我自己的Firefox之外,其他人无论用什么浏览器(包括Firefox)浏览我的站点都显示空白页面,今天晚上终于查到是Wordpress的Google Analytics插件的问题,禁用之后就一切正常了。 我可以理解用其他浏览器查看跟Firefox结果不同的情况,但是为什么我自己的Firefox查看一切正常,而别人的Firefox也显示空白页呢?
每隔3天会收到Dreamhost的提醒邮件。 This is just a notice that your DreamHost Account #137024 (“kamusis’s Account”) has a balance of 181.32 (including any charges not due until 2007-02-28), with181.32 due (since 2007-01-28). You also have 181.32 past due (owed since 2006-12-28), and if by 2007-02-28 you do not pay at least the181.32 part, your account will be automatically…