Try to move account back to shared hosting

之前解决500 Intenal Error的时候,将主机升级到了Dreamhost PS,但是由于价格不菲(每月至少15美金),因此希望在解决完了网站被木马感染的问题之后,再次搬回Shared Hosting中。 DH的技术支持回信说: Before we can do that we need to see one weeks worth of resource usage below 300MB. So, that means both your daily graph and a weeks worth of the historical graph need to show up without any usage over 300MB. Once that can be demonstrated, please write back… Got 500 Internal Server Error

这两天访问自己的blog站点一直报“500 Internal Server Error”错误,但是进后台管理界面却是正常的,因此变成只能写文章却没办法看到文章的样子。 向Dreamhost的技术支持寻求帮助,回信告知是因为资源管控的原因,说我的站点中某些脚本超过资源限制了。 The issue appears to be one of resource usage. Looking at the logs, it appears some scripts under your user are being killed by our process watcher program. Each time this happens, it results in a 500 error on the site that crosses the limit. This keeps the CPU/Memory load…